Releases emotional Jam

Turquoise (Tibetan)Code TT 1 / Value Rs.77400.00

strengthens the higher chakras meridians of the body and raises subtle energy fields.

If used on the third eye during meditation provides calm and clears electro-magnatic energy Manifestation and creative thinking 

Reiki Masters spl.Kit

Grounding Energizing/code 001-Value Rs. 25500.00

 You kit for grounding basic energies comprises of Tourmaline for cleansing environment close to the Nature's freshness & Agate crystals for Chakra healing stones Lapiz Lazuli rock Buddha Clear Crystaldouble terminator & a powerful Obsidian Bracelete 

Cancer cells rejuvenation

Shivling Carnelian Code H-12 Value / Rs. 11000.00

मन्त्रों से करें रोग निवारण कैंसर रोग / Stimulates fresh Cells 

ॐ नम: शिवाय शंभवे कर्केशाय नमो नम:।
यह मंत्र किसी भी तरह के कैंसर रोग में लाभदायक होता है।
​ It is very effective to use Carnelian in case of Liver or Kidney damage due to cancerous growth.

Students Focus Kit

 Self energizing/code 001-Value Rs. 5500.00

तुरमली/ Tourmaline Rose quartz 
Tigers eye a fantastic combination for
your study focus, Used mostly by ​people sitting for higher examination where focus & self motivation is needed.
For clarity of thoughts - Tourmaline Self confidence & understanding- Rose quartz -For courage strength will & personal power for deliverance- Tigers Eye 


Physic Healing Kit

Tektite code 007 / Rs. 21000.00

The natural Tektite formations are Silica formed by the impact of Lunar meteorites on the Earth's surface.The mineral raises the human frequency & is excellent for over coming the physic attacks which are due to the unknown energies they are also very helpful in manifestations.

Healers Kit

Grounding Energizing/code H-14-Value Rs. 11025.00

Agate Crystals Obsidian Lapiz Lazuli 7 Chakra Balancing stone with powerful Obsidian & Lapiz Healing Buddha rock 

  Remove wealth blockages

Cats Eye ShivlingValue Rs. 21000.00

 मन्त्रों से करें ॐ नम: शिवाय ॐ You may use the Cats eye/लहसुनियां

Shivling for releasing blocked energies, when prayers & devotion is offered for betterment of ketu also use white chandan/sandalwood past on shivling Issues relates wealth are resolved with 3-6 months.